Monday, May 2, 2011

Bo de B: The best sandwich in the world

The title is not just hyperbole. I am a firm believer that the sandwich I bought (twice) at the Barcelona eatery Bo de B is barnone the best sandwich in the world. We were taken there by the study abroad students that we met up with when we arrived. They told us that it had become an instant staple for them and that it would be a crime not to get a sandwich from there. I agree fully with that statement. I ordered their chicken sandwich with everything. This means they filled a sandwich baguette to the brim with marinated chicken and then put all of the ingredients on top. It wasn't drastically different than other sandwiches I had gotten, but the quality and combination of fresh ingredients put Bo de B far above the rest. I liked it so much that I went back again on day two for another. It goes against what many believe Spanish food is, but in my time there it adhered strongly to two qualities of Spanish food that are not to be taken likely: high caliber and delicious. I hope to return to Barcelona for its beautiful weather, its majestic beaches, but mostly for Bo de B.

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